Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hong Kong Stopover

Hong Kong Stopover

Many of the passengers who pass through Hong Kong every year, are either spending their short stopover holiday in the city centre, or simply prefer to stay at the airport, not knowing that some of the city's most spectacular attractions can be found just near the airport. This article will show you how you can enjoy your short Hong Kong stopover without getting too far from the airport.

Lantau Island, right next to the airport, is Hong Kong's largest and most scenic island, and other than beautiful nature sceneries of steep forest-clad mountains and sandy coves, it is home to some of Hong Kong's most spectacular tourist attractions.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hong Kong - The City Nightlife

Hong Kong - The City Nightlife

Night in Hong Kong is as you would expect awesome with many bars, clubs and restaurants as well as good entertainment. There are just to many to name so i will give a run down of what to expect and where. This all depends what sort of night life you are looking for and how many are in your group, these bars do get full. Right there is the cosy dinner for two with soft music, the bar for drinking, the disco bar or the bar for something else?(boys).

There are also other ways to spend a evening like the Pearl of the River cruise, a restaurant boat. These trips are different to sitting in a hotel restaurant for instance you will have a nice breeze a moving landscape of the city with its skyscrapers, the lights the views and this is on both sides of you. The food is splendid and the service is very good, so have i think a nice leisure cruise or a restaurant in the city.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hong Kong

Five days in Hong Kong didn't seem nearly enough, once you finally get your bearings (and believe me even for a surprisingly small island this is more difficult that you realise) and once you checked out most of the main tourist attractions; the Tsim Sha Tsui Waterfront, Victoria Peak, the pretty and aromatic flower market in Kowloon and the bird market (although slightly nervously as we travelled there only a year after the bird flu outbreak!) you are still left wanting more.

Although Hong Kong is a very different Asia to what I have been used to, having travelled less developed Asian countries, this was definitely Asia but with a much less harder edge. As you would probably expect, evidence of the British occupation is everywhere, all of the information signs are written in both English and Cantonese and even aside from the main ex-pat congregation area of SoHo there is still an increasing amount of westernised restaurants and shops. Marks and Spencer's anyone? All of this makes the island seem somehow familiar and of course much easier to travel around.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The history of Madame Tussaud

 Madame Tussaud

Marie was a Marianne, a figure of the French Revolution. Her early accomplishments as an artist-sculptor hinted her ideas, her commitment. After participating in the exhibition projects of his mentor, the doctor Philippe Curtius, she began to make her own works by immortalizing writers and philosophers, in 1777 Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau in 1778. The rebel was sentenced to the guillotine, but through her artistic talent, she was fortunately spared. Her sentence proved very strange indeed she had to make death masks for beheaded. She had immortalized the faces of her friends died for the revolution.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Visiting Hong Kong and Victoria Peak

Victoria Peak

Once you arrive on Victoria Peak you will notice two major constructions: The Peak Tower and The Peak Galleria. The Peak Tower is where you arrive if you have chosen to travel via the Peak Tram. The Peak Galleria is the building where you arrive if you have chosen to travel via bus (Hong Kong public bus or the green minibuses). Both buildings house a number of different restaurants and shopping facilities.